Pee Safe Feminine Cramp Relief Roll On for Period Pain - 10 ML
A female goes through numerous types of pain in her entire lifetime. The only pain which is constant is the monthly period pain. And to take this pain away from you Pee Safe’s Feminine Cramp Relief Roll On is here to the rescue. The roll-on is curated with utmost care keeping in mind the needs of women. The roll-on comes with the goodness of Ayurveda, without even a hint of chemicals.
Satva Pudina is a natural pain reliever that works like magic. It has a very soothing and fresh fragrance which would enlighten up your day. And eucalyptus oil has anti-inflammatory properties which helps to calm irritability. The roll on not only provides relief from cramps, but also elevates your mood instantly. The roll on gets easily absorbed in your skin and is totally natural in nature. It does not leave any stains or residue behind. The roll on can be used in your abdominal area, lower back and legs for instant pain and cramp relief. The roll on is here to normalize your period woos.